Your Springsteen dose for the day

Dan’s Classic Rock FM blog, a regular stop in my browsing travels, led me to the following Springsteen item today, which comes from my radio friend Jay Philpott. Jay shared the following Springsteen story and audio in a recent blog entry: Here’s a very revealing story about what a great guy Bruce is, and to […]

Empire Records

Kelly @ Popdose is back with another winner in the Soundtrack Saturday series. Last week: Better Off Dead. This week: Empire Records. I love this movie about a Gen X-run independent record store for a few reasons. One is the nostalgia factor. It definitely makes me think of high school — Class of ‘96, in […]

I’m hungry for the green mind

In the midst of an otherwise crazy busy day, I caught a Twitter update from TMZ referencing “Hungry Bloodshot Eyes” and had this sinking feeling that it was Eric Carmen related. Remember that ’80s song “Hungry Eyes”? The guy who recorded it was busted in an epic DUI. Oh man, I’m thinking they must have […]