Well hello vinyl citizens! So it seems that I’ve been away for a little bit. I’m so behind the blogging 8 ball, I don’t know where to begin! Real life has been hogging up large amounts of my precious free time of late. Mother Nature also kindly decided to dump a hella-ton of snow on […]
Category: Rock Your Face Off
Good Listening: The Lemonheads – Live in Chicago – 7/4/94
When Beth and I had our little vinyl meetup the other day, we spent a good amount of time talking about Evan Dando and The Lemonheads. It’s A Shame About Ray and Come On Feel The Lemonheads are two of my 90s desert island discs from my teenage years. If it was possible to wear […]
Spinning vinyl: 38 Special – Tour De Force
This “being social in the real world” thing really cramps my blogging style! After my dinner last night with blogger/Clevo/Nashville buddy Kevin Mason, I was re-inspired and researching a future webcam purchase today. During lunch, I went to Best Buy to see a couple of the options in the flesh. I think I found (thanks […]
The Smithereens live DVD – 5 full-length video clips online now
As mentioned in a previous update, The Smithereens (a.k.a. world’s greatest band/one of ’em anyway) will release a DVD companion to their 2008 live release on January 15th. Smithereens frontman Pat Dinizio recently put up a post with 6 full length videos from Live in Concert. You can click through on each video link to […]
Scattered Musical Thoughts: GNR, Supermint and Dog Society
I couldn’t exactly think of a subject line that was completely appropriate, and the above seemed to at least cover it, although there are probably some that would argue (myself included!) that this blog is ALL about “scattered musical thoughts!” Anyway. Friday night, I got together with my buddy Corey for a long overdue hangout […]
Santa’s gonna bring me a new Armored Saint album!
Something else to look forward to in 2009…..STOKED!! Hey Rob, you’d better be going to the show in March at the Key Club, or we’re no longer friends!!! From the band’s Myspace page: Due to the nature of vague speculation albeit created by your authors here, Armored Saint are officially announcing that they’ve begun […]
Pearl Jam reissue of Ten leads off newly announced plans for overhaul of entire catalog
It’s official – we officially have our first mega-reissue to get excited about for 2009. March 24th, 2009 to be precise. On that date, Pearl Jam will reissue their classic debut album Ten, which will be available in four different packages. The extensive list of bonus material in the reissues includes 6 previously unreleased bonus […]
Some good funny AC/DC related humor
For those about to rock, AC/DC salutes you. Unless, that is, you want to buy the Australian heavy metal group’s newest album, “Black Ice,” on iTunes, or anywhere but Wal-Mart when it drops in record stores on Oct. 20. “Maybe I’m just being old-fashioned, but this iTunes, God bless ’em, it’s going to kill music […]
No tricks, only treats – gimme J. Geils Band for Halloween please!
Cleveland peeps, pay attention to this one: Last year, I found myself at the Beachland Ballroom for their Halloween shindig, featuring a ton of local bands reborn (some in costume) to each play a tribute set of tunes from their favorite musical influences. I was there with my friend Amy to see our two favorite […]
Can you say f*ck on the radio?
I was a bit under the weather last night, so I decided to skip out on previous plans, and stay in. Saturday night became movie night. Up first was The Great Outdoors with John Candy, etc. I don’t think I’ve seen it since I saw it originally in the 80s. It still holds up. Next, […]