DXism – Danzig

A continuing series of helpful advice, humorous observations, questions about life, and obscure movie quotes and musical references, as posted by Scene Magazine staff writer D.X. Ferris on Twitter. Follow @dxferris for daily doses of the magic. Today’s DXism: Twist of Cain Park: Cleveland’s finest summertime tribute to the dark genius of Glenn Danzig. Admission […]

Death by shuffle mode

This past week I read an interesting article about “the death of the album.” It gave me pause and I suddenly realized that lately, to me, yeah the album has been pretty dead. I used to have quite a voracious appetite for new music. Even when I was younger I can remember trips into New […]

I’m a naughty naughty guy….

I’m having one of those periodic moments in life where I get a song in my head that I’ve heard a billion times, and I can’t think of what it is. Tonight’s entry features the following lyric: I’ve got my radio on….. (big stacked background vocals – raaaadio oooooon) It’s a male singer – song […]