Announcement: My new rock band.

I was talking to my co-worker/vinyl loving comrade Michael today, and he was giving me continued ribbing on my usage of “quote/unquote” in my recent Billy Joel post. After reading it originally, he had emailed me asking why I didn’t simply use the actual quote symbols. Answer: Because I didn’t want to. But it got […]

Sometimes I get a little bit crazy……

….but then lately, there are moments in public transportation that remind me that I’m really quite normal by comparison. Today’s example: It makes perfectly good sense to get on the train wearing an extremely heavy winter coat with your hood on, and snow pants. Did I mention that today’s temp in Cleveland was about 90 […]

It don’t take money…..

So I was catching up yesterday on about a month’s worth of Pop Candy, and came across the following link of greatness, brought to us by the fine folks at Stereogum. It seems that Judd Apatow and Seth Rogen felt that Huey Lewis would have the goods to deliver a new soundtrack smash ala “Power […]

HUMOR: The Website Is Down

Note: The video below contains bad language – if that offends you, please don’t watch it 🙂 Here’s one for any of you that are working in the computer tech field. Kudos to my friend Mark for sending this video my way….and I swear to God, I’ve encountered MANY of these situations!