What It Is: A weekly mix tape posted on Mondays, created by the fans of Addicted to Vinyl, posted for all to enjoy! The mix is available for one week, until the new one goes up.
The Goal: Introduce yourself to great new music from bands of the past and present, from albums that are new and old. Buy music. Repeat.
Be A Part Of It: I want you to make me/us a mix CD. I want to hear the tunes that you are into, new or old. And I want to feature your mix on this site!
You can mail your CD to the following address:
Addicted to Vinyl
P.O. Box 771685
Lakewood, OH 44107
What To Include: Include track listing, album that the song comes from, song notes (if you want to) and any particular notes that you want to share about the mix. Save a digital copy of your notes that you can send me via email, so I don’t get carpal tunnel retyping them! Include a printed copy of the notes, and an email address that I can use to contact you for the digital version of the notes. For the real mix tape feel, feel free to hand write your song titles, draw artistic drawings on the “label,” etc – I can scan them in using my handy dandy color scanner. Go nuts!
And if you’re feeling particularly daring, give your mix a clever title!
What You’ll Get: I’ll feature your mixes and stories here on the site, and send you something cool from the Addicted to Vinyl prize closet, so please include your address (legibly please!) with your mix notes.
Welcome to today’s mix. And you thought we’d be delivering this sucker a day late because of the holiday, didn’t you? Truth be told, I thought about that, but then realized that since this is the “Monday Morning Mix,” I’d better deliver it on time. At least for now. Now, three months down the road when I don’t give a crap about it anymore, it might be another story.
Anyway, this week’s mix comes to us courtesy of The Cleveland Caper who sent me not one, but TWO mixes to share with all of you. We’ll share the first one this week, and then the second one will follow at a point to be named later.
Wait for it.
The Caper delivered a helluva mix that really speaks for itself. And for everything that the music doesn’t communicate, her notes will tell you the rest – if you can stop movin’ your ass long enough to read ’em, that is.
Well done Caper, well done.
Here goes:
Honky Tonks & Hootenannies (Download)
1. “Old Number Seven” – The Devil Makes Three (The Devil Makes Three)
I figured I’d ease into it with this one…This is a new discovery (passed to me, not made myself) of a great band from Cali. Their fusion of punk, rockabilly and blues is so believably authentic you can’t help but think you’re listening to something, like, you know, old;) Rarely do I enjoy every song on a band’s album, but DHT totally delivers on this one. I also thoroughly enjoy “The Plank.”
2. “Black Betty” – Ram Jam (Ram Jam)
If you can listen to this song without at least tapping your foot then we wouldn’t like each other. Ram Jam took Leadbelly’s classic and short song and turned it into a hit. Spiderbait also does a great job covering this badass tune. This song makes me want to slam back a sixer of PBR while tuning my (imaginary) ’69 Pontiac GTO.
3. “Swing Low” – Rocco DeLuca & The Burden (I Trust You To Kill Me)
I have Jack Bauer, I mean Kiefer Sutherland to thank for my exposure to this band in ’06 via the documentary, “I Trust You To Kill Me.” The documentary was sub-par, but the music rocked and I think he (they) is highly underrated.
4. “Jack Killed Mom” – Jenny Lewis (Acid Tongue)
First, I loved her in “The Wizard” then I loved her with Rilo Kiley and now I crush hard on solo Jenny Lewis. Maybe it’s because I am one, but I love when a chick makes a kick-ass album and Jenny did it with Acid Tongue. Her songs are also great for singing in the shower (oooo, another mix idea!)
5. “Come Pick Me Up” – Ryan Adams (Heartbreaker)
If I listed the reasons I love my boyfriend, exposing me to Ryan Adam’s music would be close to the top of the list. This song, along with his duet with Emmylou Harris, “Sweet Carolina” are my absolute favorites. When I heard this song for the first time, I couldn’t believe my ears. I love when a song is darkly beautiful like this.
6. “Ted’s Jam” – Robert Randolph & The Family Band (Live at The Wetlands)
Oh this song. Ummm, this one is a sore spot for me as I was invited to this show in ’01 and didn’t effing go. Stupid. (Editor’s note: Yup!) Anyway, I don’t know if there’s anything to say about RR, you just have to listen. I will say this song has no words and I never notice.
7. “Home” – Marc Broussard (Carencro)
I discovered Marc Broussard (again thanks to the boy) when this song appeared on a free mix CD in a copy of Esquire. This song makes me want to eat a big bowl of jambalaya. ‘nough said.
8. “Dixie Chicken” – Little Feat (Hotcakes & Outtakes Disc 1)
I love this song for so many reasons, namely because Little Feat is one of my Dad’s favorite bands, so it reminds me of him. When, I hear this song, I am 6, back in our old living room on a sunny, Spring Saturday morning. No TV allowed, just music as we were all doing chores with several impromptu dance parties of course. My favorite version of this song is the band joined by Bonnie Raitt and Emmylou Harris. Youtube it, it’s so worth it.
9. “Stack-O-Lee” – Samuel L. Jackson (Black Snake Moan)
Who knew he could sing? Not I. I loved this movie and I love this scene where he is singing this song in a bar and there are sweaty, happy people gyrating all over the place. Great movie. Great song.
10. “Talk On Indolence” – The Avett Brothers (Four Thieves Gone)
The first time I saw The Avett Brothers was at my cousin’s wedding in a barn in PA. How cool is that? They got married in a barn and were lucky enough to be able to book the Avett Brothers before they blew up and got signed by Rick Rubin. I fell in love. These guys are awesome! I think this song is quintessential AB with elements of rock, folk and even a little punk.
11. Long Ride Home – Patty Griffin (A Kiss In Time)
I just love her distinctive voice. It makes me feel like I’m back in time, at the Kentucky State Fair with a caramel apple in my hand.
12. Medicine Bag – C. Gibbs (Medicine Bag Single)
This song is a great one by C. Gibbs of Lucinda Black Bear. To my knowledge it was only released as a single/video. The video is just as awesome as the song and all I wanna do is run my fingers through his big hair.
13. Thank God I’m A Country Boy – John Denver (The Essential John Denver)
Maybe homeslice was a country boy, but anyone who rocks out with the Muppets and meets his maker in a fiery plane crash is a total rock star in my book. Also, this song makes me want pancakes reeaaaaalll bad!
14. Champagne & Reefer – Muddy Waters (Muddy Mississippi Waters Live)
I mean c’mon, it’s Muddy Waters. In other news, check out his website for music info and some Mud-tastic recipes.
15. I Never Picked Cotton – Johnny Cash (American I: Unchained)
Because the Man In Black always gets the last word. Always.
Have I mentioned that I love the Monday Morning Mix? Lots of songs I haven’t heard before on this one… which I absolutely love. New music is the best.
Burned the mix for my travels today… Black Betty is the perfect ‘roll down your windows, sing your ass off, and scare your fellow driver-bees’ song. Love that one.
one of things I like about facebook.. this makes the time wasting/lexiouxs playing worth it
i feel famous! thanks again for using my mix mr. atv:) i guess i never realized how podunk my music taste is. well, off to make some bathtub gin d’oh! i should have put that on here! hahah!
kristi- i am honored that my mix was the soundtrack to your day. i contend the best place to listen to music is in the car:) make a mix and send it in so i can blast your tunes in my car!
Fantastic mix, “CC”
Love it! Not to mention, I soo share your love for Miss Jenny Lewis.
[Just dropped a mix cd of my own at the post office and shall see if it makes the atv cut*]
Kelly – so thrilled to hear that a mix is on the way from you!! I think you’ll have particular interest in next week’s mix!!!!
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Do you see a use for music? New music is the best.
i feel famous! thanks again for using my mix mr. atv.
i feel famous! thanks again for using my mix mr. atv
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