I’m a naughty naughty guy….

I’m having one of those periodic moments in life where I get a song in my head that I’ve heard a billion times, and I can’t think of what it is. Tonight’s entry features the following lyric: I’ve got my radio on….. (big stacked background vocals – raaaadio oooooon) It’s a male singer – song […]

Concerts, Concerts, CONCERTS!

Before we get going, I’d like to give a quick blog shoutout that is actually more of a public service announcement: John Gorman’s Buzzard Blog has a great piece online now detailing the infamous early history between WMMS and Rush that played a big part in launching the now-legendary Canadian trio. People always want to […]

Youtube Fun – Surrender To Me

I’m enjoying the closing moments of the weekend after being in the suburbs of Pittsburgh today. I came home to find a link to my friend Michele’s “most awesome 80s playlist ever.” For some reason, that made me think of Zander and Wilson, and “Surrender To Me.” We don’t need first names here. But in […]