Yesterday, I got to use the term “throwing the horns” while putting together an upcoming press release for work. I’m going to go ahead and mark that day in the “win” column. Not bad.
Today, day off. Going to see Blue Rodeo in Detroit tonight, in case you’ve been sleeping the past week.
My friend Rebecca shared the following item with me…30 years, WOW.
“WKRP in Cincinnati” observes its 30th anniversary on WGN America cable, with Tribune rolling six episodes back to back – interspersed with highly-produced trivia – from 7-10p Eastern this Sunday night. (The cable channel regularly airs an hour of “WKRP” on Sundays.)
Here’s something I’ve been meaning to blog about for the past few days, for all, but especially for you non-Clevelanders. Did you see former WWF wrestler Jake “The Snake” Roberts making headlines for an embarrassing drunken public appearance this past weekend in Ohio?
That happened RIGHT down the street from my house, at a local venue called The Phantasy. I stayed in on that particular night, because I wasn’t feeling well. If I had been out getting a few items at Discount Drug Mart, I might have experienced this. Here is a recap from a friend who was in the area (good spelling not required)
Last night I was at the Symposium in Lakewood Ohio to see an Ozzy Osbourne tribute band. Next door at the Fantasy Night Club there was a wrestling event involving Firestorm Pro Wrestling based in Clevleand and Jake The Snake Roberts former WWF Superstar and one of the main characters in the hit documentary “Beyond The Mat. I was unaware of the event as I listened to Ozzy cover tunes. I heard a commotion at the door and noticed a tall man with no shirt standing in the doorway of the symposium. I at that point thought to myself ” holy s*** that’s Jake The Snake. I was right, I moved closer to get a better look and instantly noticed that he was drunk beyond normal limits. He stuck around for a few minutes and then left the building. I went outside a few moments later to grab a smoke and noticed that five feet way from me passed out on his back on the hood of someone’s Chevy Malibu was Jake the Snake himself. It was comical to see him laying there shirtless with his red tights and white boots. I tried for several minutes to grab a photo but I do not have a flash on my phone so it was impossible. I thought to myself that no one was going to believe this story without a photo but oh well.
I forgot to mention that all of this happened long before he made his appearance. Imagine that. Fanatic fans of crappy local wrestling flock to a club to see a once great hero turned has been and when they finally get their chance he is drunk and fat. I would imagine that fans in attendance dropped their Jake the Snake action figures and inflatable snakes in disgust.
As I was leaving the bar I went back to where he had been earlier and noticed Police and Paramedics on the scene.
A friend of mine asked one of the Officers if the ambulance was for Jake and he grinned and said “It sure is”
Id like to throw my cell phone into Lake Erie and kick the manufacturer in the nuts for providing such a crappy camera.
What do you do when you come out and have a former pro wrestler as your new hood ornament?
Thankfully for me, it was movie night, so I guess I’ll never know!
Too bad no one got a picture of the above, but I would like to personally award the Emmy to whoever shot the video of the actual drunken event inside the club. This stuff is AWESOME – great video, sound, everything!!
Watch it
If I could travel back in time, I would walk down the street, pay my money for admission, and walk in to watch the above fiasco.
That right there, is the stuff that memories and dreams are made of, kids!
that is an awesome story. have fun in d-town
Speaking of WKRP, I love that show. However the DVD of the first season was a disappointment. They removed all of the original music due to licensing issues.