Heavy D is pretty awesome

The subject line above pretty much says it all! Those of you that were following my newly installed Twitter updates will know that I got to spend some time with Heavy D today. At the “day job” we have a service that provides celebrity radio interviews (via phone) to morning shows across the U.S. Today, […]

HUMOR: Bert and Ernie try Gangsta Rap

Thanks to John S for this one…..which makes me remember my friend Steve’s extremely animated imitation of Grover, which was always something that had us in stitches. You know, even at age 18, it’s never too late to pull out a Grover imitation. And actually, here is the skit that he used to imitate. Still […]

Cleveland Bloggers, Twitter, etc.

Hello Cleveland! I’ll start out with some Cleveland-related stuff first: I missed a get-together of fellow Cleveland bloggers on Friday night due to heading to Baltimore for Virgin Festival. By all accounts, it was a good time, and man, the food at Bar Cento sounds awesome. Fellow Cleveland blogger Todd took the plunge today and […]