Suburban Metal Dad no. 57, “Mole Wars: My Uzi Weighs a Ton”

Suburban Metal Dad, an original webcomic by D.X. Ferris, served fresh every Monday and Friday.

Now featuring Sort-Of Soundtrack — an optional random metal jam you can open in a new window!

Prelude: A green suburban lawn sits in silence.

Check out today’s strip after the jump…

Suburban Metal Dad

a webcomic by D.X. Ferris

(Now featuring SORT-OF SOUNDTRACK! Click HERE to open a random jam in a new window!)

Click the strip for a full-sized version.

Prelude: A green suburban lawn sits in silence. Next, a mole's dark face and snout pop out of the ground. The sound of gunfire explodes in the air. Next, standing on a deck, a wife says, "When you fire that uzi into the lawn, you do more damage than the moles." Standing by her, smoking uzi in hand, the husband says, "Not if I take them all out before June."