No, no – I’m not talking about the television show.
In response to 15 Albums That Changed My Life, a number of my friends weighed in with their own lists.
I thought I’d share several of my favorites with you here…..the best part of being a music fan, is the diverse group of fellow music fans we find as friends!
What’s on your list? Feel free to share it in the comments below….
Now, on with the lists!
Dan Kelley – owner of the Classic Rock Blog and the great new internet station Okemos Brewing Company:
All of Dan’s albums are from vinyl, btw! Dan’s list generated a LOT of fun commentary and lots of follow-up lists from his friends.
1. Moody Blues – In Search of the Lord Chord
2. Neil Young – Everybody Knows This Is Nowhere
3. Bruce Springsteen – Born To Run
4. Moody Blues – To Our Children’s Children Children
5. Beatles – Sgt. Peppers
6. Elvis Costello – This Year’s Model
7. Bob Dylan – Blood On The Tracks
8. Dire Straits – Making Movies
9. The Doors – Morrison Hotel
10. Jethro Tull – Aqualung
11. Patti Smith – Horses
12. Lou Reed – Rock ‘N Roll Animal
13. Pink Floyd – Wish You Were Here
14. Tom Petty – You’re Gonna Get It
15. The Who – Who’s Next
CB a.ka. “The Cleveland Bachelor”:
1. The Flaming Lips – Transmissions from the Satellite Heart
2. Billy Joel – Piano Man
3. Weezer – Weezer (The Blue Album)
4. Elliot Smith – XO
5. Wilco – Being There
6. Cheese Pizza – Tavern Tour
7. Wreckless Pennsylvanians
8. Failure – Fantastic Planet
9. The Knack – My Sharona
10. Daniel Johnston – Welcome to my World
11. Meat Loaf – Bat Out of Hell
12. Cracker – Garage D’or
13. Marshall Tucker Band – Country Tucker
14. Phish – Hoist
15. Parlaiment Funkadelic – The Bomb
Kelly Feliciano of Sensory Overload:
(In no particular order)
1. Fiona Apple – Tidal
2. Jimmy Eat World – Clarity
3. Tori Amos – Little Earthquakes
4. Heather Nova – Siren
5. Sufjan Stevens – Seven Swans
6. Cat Power – You Are Free
7. Weezer – Blue Abum
8. Sarah McLachlan – Stumbling Towards Ecstasy
9. Azure Ray – Hold On Love
10. Air – Moon Safari
11. The Smiths – The Queen Is Dead
12. Sigur Ros – Agaetis Byrjun
13. Emiliana Torrini – Fisherman’s Woman
14. The Juliana Theory – Emotion Is Dead
15. Third Eye Blind S/T
Paul Lackey. Um, Paul….hmmmm, well, Paul shares my love for Dada, Night Ranger, Dream Theater, and Survivor. ‘Nuff said!
Paul went into great impressive detail about each item on his list. If I would have done the same, you never would have seen my list. Anyone seen my best of 2008 list? Exactly.
1 Black Sabbath – SABOTAGE
I was little when I inherited it from one of my brothers.. Simultaneously scared the begeebers outta me & caught my interest
Halford has been a huge influence on my singing ever since
3 Boston – Boston
not so much when it was new, because music hadn’t bitten me quite yet. In retrospect, this album grabbed me by the throat, and shook until blended. Awesome production, uncompromising hook & positive attitude throughout.
See notes about Boston
This is when I REALLY began getting sick of radio programming. The fact that most people only remember “Sister Christian” will NEVER stop irritating the crap out of me. This album is full of great songs no one noticed.
Survivor suffers from “Sister Christianitis” also. If you think they are the theme from Rocky, you are sadly mistaken.
7 Neal Schon – LATE NIGHT
I knew he could play guitar, but I never really understood what he was capable of until I heard this one.
I finally “got” what my brother had been raving about with Yngwie Malmsteen, but I still like this album far more than any other neoclassical shred.. Well, Vinnie Moore’s MIND’S EYE is right up there with this one.
See comments re: Night Ranger & Survivor & multiply by Pi^3. (remember “I’ll See You in My Dreams?”) Dann Huff is arguably my favorite guitarist, and the songs on the first two Giant albums stand pretty much alone in the development of music as far as I’ve heard it..
10 Vicious Rumors – DIGITAL DICTATOR
I was heavily into buying independent metal & AOR mostly blind back in these days, going by song titles, production standards of the packaging, names of backline people I could trust, etc. I found VR’s debut album when it was new, and it was pretty fine American metal. I bought this second installment, and by the time I got to the last song on side A, “Lady Took a Chance,” the walls were coming down around me. Shiver-inducing, powerful stuff..
And this album was I’m pretty sure my first blind buy indie metal album the purcahse of which wasn’t influenced by input from my older brothers (who were mostly responsible for my headbanging development up til this). Bought it from the Waxie Maxie in Greenbelt Plaza back in the day. Great production, great tunes, great vibe.. I was hooked immediately by the lure of discovery. (in retrospect, this slot may also belong to Broca’s Helm – INTO BATTLE, but I’m fairly certain it was the Chastain, and I’m not wasting two slots on this event in my life)
12 Dada – PUZZLE
When I learned that I didn’t think ALL modern pop sucked. Start to finish, this album rules.. Oh, and it also suffers a bit from “Sister Christianitis,” as you’ll probably remember “Dizz Knee Land,” and not care for it much (maybe). This whole album delivers introspective, insightful lyrics, catchy melodies, unusual harmonies, and loads of atmosphere.
Bought this one without knowing the eh-hem.. “majesty..” of Majesty. I remember on first spin thinking, “WTF? Um.. I’m not sure what’s going on, but I MUST listen to this again.. And again.. And again..” I don’t care what anyone says, Charlie Dominici’s voice is fine. The production kinda sucks, but what can you do?
14 Vicious Rumors – WORD OF MOUTH
I know, I already mentioned VR, but, not only does this album rule, it’s when I discovered that many of my favorite bands thrived during the onslaught of “grunge,” just not here in the US. This album was only available as an import. It’s got some great tunes on it, and was one of the initial acquisitions that fueled my downfall further into buying via the internet.
OK.. I admit it.. I’ve already hit that wall of (what the heck should fill these last two or three slots?) This one gets the nod for introducing me to the fact that some drummers KILL. Rob Jarzombek does some truly sick stuff on the Riot albums on which he played (Deen Castronova, now in Journey, but formerly in Wild Dogs, Dr. Mastermind, and as a session drummer for Shrapnel Records, also opened my eyes). Also, this is a metal album that prominently features the Tower of Power horn section, which to me seems antithetical, and groundbreaking, yet I immediately found it cool & interesting rather than sell-out.
DAMN! How did I forget this one?? This was important enough to warrant overtime! This was the album that CEMENTED my understanding of how important (to me) good production is. Not only was Metallica’s “sound” (musically) inventive (for me, anyway), the crunchy/chunky guitar tone, and the way it was employed, opened new avenues to creating infectious metallic music. This is when I began developing my lust for guitar TEXTURE (I employ this term rather than “tone,” because for me it really is more tactile than auditory)
Brian from Broken Headphones:
15 is such a small number to ask of…there are plenty more but these are just the first that popped into my head. These are in no particular order at all…
1. Social Distortion – Social Distortion
2. Radiohead – The Bends
3. NIN – Pretty Hate Machine
4. Bad Religion – How Could Hell Be Any Worse?
5. Sublime – 40oz. To Freedom
6. Cracker – Kerosene Hat
7. Ben Folds Five – Whatever And Ever Amen
8. The Clash – The Clash
9. NOFX – White Trash Two Heebs & A Bean
10. Wu Tang Clan – Enter The Wu Tang (36 Chambers)
11. Minor Threat – Complete Discography CD
12. Ramones – Ramones
13. Cake – Motorcade Of Generosity
14. Beastie Boys – Licensed To Ill
15. NWA – Straight Outta Compton
And we’ll leave off for now, with my man Corey….who started this thing!
Here goes (In no certain order):
Motley Crue – Too Fast For Love
Guns N’ Roses – Appetite For Destruction
Kiss – Hotter Than Hell
Poison – Open Up and Say…Ahh!” (aw, hell…the whole Poison catalog)
The Monkees – Pisces, Aquarius, Capricorn, and Jones Ltd.
Def Leppard – Hysteria
T-Ride – s/t
Enuff Z’Nuff – Paraphernailia
Butch Walker – Letters
New Kids on the Block – Hangin’ Tough
Skid Row – Slave to the Grind
Slaughter – Fear No Evil
Buckcherry – Time Bomb
Ritchie Valens – Live at Pacoima Junor High School
LA Guns – Cocked and Loaded
Thanks kids, that was fun! Will the list-making fun continue?
Stay tuned…
wow, so many lists! this would take me quite a bit of grief to do my own…but I can name a few:
Radiohead–Kid A
Van Morrison–Astral Weeks (so disappointed not to see that on any of these! Seriously)
I so totally second the choice of Third Eye Blind–S/T…love it.
Animal Collective–Feels
Not sure my list is in priority order in terms of the impact on my life. But its roughly in the order I first listened to them.
1-Roger Miller’s Golden Hits (actually, my dad’s. but I loved that LP and later got his box set as an adult)
2- Peter Frampton – Frampton Comes Alive
3 – Elton John – Captain Fantastic and the Brown Dirt Cowboy
4 -Boston – self-titled
5 – Kiss – Alive!
6 – Aerosmith – Toys in the Attic
7 – Van Halen – self-titled
8 – Rush – Moving Pictures
9 – R.E.M. – Life’s Rich Pageant
10 – Blue Rodeo – Outskirts
11 – The Silos – self-titled
12 – Wild Seeds – Mud, Lies & Shame
13 – The Rainmakers – self-titled
14 – The Sidewinders – Witchdoctor
15 – Robert Earl Keen – No. 2 Live Dinner
Rats – just thought of 2 more. Can I squeeze them in – maybe as hidden tracks on the CD? On the re-mastered version? Or collectors edition?
16 – Lone Justice – Shelter
17 – Joe Ely – Live At Liberty Lunch
Thanks for editing my entry. Shocked you did not change some of them. Honestly I failed to mention Jibbs featuring Jibbs…that CD turned us into better friends.
I keep thinking of more albums that I could have added. 15 was not a fair number but I am happy with my list.
Nice to see other people’s lists and how I am the only on with rap on mine….hmm….
Jibbs rules!!!
Such an excellent idea
It is great to understand others a little more by these lists*
Artful Dodger-Artful Dodger
Bruce Springsteen-Born To Run
Derek and the Dominoes-Layla…
Stevie Ray Vaughan-Couldn’t Stand The Weather
The Who-Who’s Next
The Beatles-White
Neil Young-Tonight’s the Night
The Refreshments-Fizzy Fuzzy Big & Buzzy
Roger Clyne-Americano
The Jayhawks-Hollywood Town Hall
Uncle Tupelo-Still Feel Gone
The Rolling Stones-Sticky Fingers
Led Zeppelin-Physical Graffitti
Indigo Girls-Indigo Girls
Unknown Reason-Reality Won’t Do (cheat, it’s my own band. Certainly changed my life though!)
thaaank bradr
weezer – both the blue album and pinkerton. soundtrack to my adolescence. the world would be a terrible place without weezer.
the beatles – abbey road. proof there should be more medleys on albums
also the white album. seriously the beatles just shit excellence, and they did twice a year for 8 years and those little nuggets of poo covered excellence were their albums.
david bowie – aladdin sane
sooooo gooooood. a trip into bowie’s sleazy, drug fuelled underworld.
the strokes – is this it. i immediately felt incredibly uncool and not trendy enough to listen to that album. i used to wear stripey jumpers. u cant wear stripey jumpers and listen to the strokes.
the kinks – this awesome like best of vinyl collection thing my dad gave me when i was 15. no one writes songs like the kinks. apeman has to got to be the best thing ive ever heard. ray davies = cool beans
cut copy – bright like neon love
its like a soundtrack to loneliness, but with cool guitars and awesome synth and sampler work.
KISS – Dynasty. i seriously pulled like 3 girls during high school just by telling them that i liked this album. KISS are awesome, their ego is palpable in their songs, but it doesnt compromise their awesomeness.
Ramones – Ramones. the first band that taught me that its not always about expert musicianship, that you can be dorky, or awkward and still be in an awesome band. they’re simple, but not idiots and they’re accessible. ramones doesnt feel like an exclusive nightclub that you may not be well dressed enough to get into. or a hot girl you have no chance of pulling. it doesnt alienate, despite the fact most of the songs are about alienation.
lou reed – transformer. lou reed seems to inhabit a world on this album that doesnt exist to anyone but him. its like what the underworld in new york must have been like in the 70s or something. he writes songs totally differently to anyone else i think i’ve come across. no one does reed like reed does. also, solid back up vocals by bowie on satellite of love.
supergrass – the unsung heroes of britpop. fuck oasis, this is low maintenance, fun fuelled songs about girls, drugs and stuff you do when you’re bored. its catchy, its well written and its british. nuff said.
white stripes – elephant. its vicious, with white hot guitar riffs, and awesome piano/keyboard work. its like blues injected with white stripes weirdness and quirkiness. jack white is fucking boss.
jeff buckley – grace. literally the most beautiful thing i have ever heard. cried like a baby and i am not ashamed to admit it. that man is so fucking talented and it is a damn, damn shame we lost him so young. that album cuts me like a knife, its like going through a vicious, gut wrenching break up on some of those songs there’s so much emotion and darkness. yet its sung by an angel.
pink floyd- dark side of the moon. my dad gave me all his pink floyd lps and used to give me shit for liking this one the best cos he said it was the most “commercial” one and the wall was way better. its the first one i got into though, and its just fucking amazing. its not too overindulgent, which i think a lot of records were at the time with that kind of music. they knew what they were doing, the wrote really awesome songs and made the best albums. they were untouchable for a while there.
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process can be repeated several times. It is then crushed into powder,
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powder to stick. It is then molded into a brown slice.